As a parent searching for high quality daycare for your child
can seem like an overwhelming task. We all want to do the best when can but
there are so many aspects to consider. As a professional daycare owner, Wayne
Preno understands that feeling.
believes that it is essential to provide a service that is inviting and
welcoming for both parents and children alike, and that you must also look past
the glossy brochure, Open Days, and shiny facilities if you are to get a real
understanding of the service being provided.
He suggests that the ‘emotional feel’ should be given as much
consideration, and that parents should take the opportunity during their visits
(scheduled and unscheduled) to look at the personal interactions going on
around them. How do the staff greet the other parents when they arrive, do they
take time and engage with them? Are the children happy to see the staff and
keen to be with them? Is there good clear communication between the staff; is
it respectful; is everyone clear on their role and responsibilities?
All of these indicators are excellent reflections and indicators
as to how smoothly your child’s day will be run and the environment they will be
nurtured in. Having confidence in these
factors will help you make a better informed, more rounded decision in your
childcare provider.
Wayne Preno set up his two businesses in Philadelphia and Cheltenham PA, Bright and
Early Daycare and Preschool, twelve years ago having searched for the right
daycare for his own children.