Sunday, 15 November 2015

Wayne Preno - Five Signs Of a Good Youth Coach

As a parent when your child decides that she or he wants to join a sports team, you are naturally delighted that they want to engage in sport and appreciate all the benefits that being part of a team can bring them. But, as with any organization that takes responsibility for your child and their welfare, you want to be sure that individuals who lead it will be good role models for your child. So, what are some of the signs of a good youth coach? Wayne Preno, a youth coach and child care provider through his Bright and Early Daycare and Preschool businesses in Pennsylvania shares some of the characteristics of a good youth coach.
1. A good coach is patient under pressure, and doesn’t lose his or her cool
2. They command respect and lead by example, teaching fairness and good sportsman-like behavior
3. They take health and safety responsibilities seriously but sensibly
4. They set clear but realistic and age appropriate expectations
5. They support children developing to be the best that they can in a fun environment.

Underlying all of those is the ability of the coach to communicate clearly and effectively to the children and the parents. There will inevitable be drama, injury, disagreements and upsets along the sporting journey. The highs of winning, and the lows of losing.

A good youth coach can handle all of these different challenges and more motivating, encouraging and supporting through it all, enabling your child to grow and learn some amazing life skills along the way.

Wayne Preno played basketball, baseball and soccer from Junior High and through University, and then moved to coach in his spare time around family and business commitments.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Wayne Preno - Tips For Parents – How To Effectively Engage With a Daycare Problem

As a daycare owner, and a parent himself, Wayne Preno understands that there are occasions when you may not agree with a course of action or how the service provider handled an issue. That is absolutely normal and to be expected, as individuals we cannot always be in agreement.

The most important thing for everyone concerned to focus on is obtaining swift resolution and agreement to the satisfaction of all involved. If you as a parent have a concern or are unhappy about something, raise it quickly to make sure it is addressed and resolved as rapidly as possible. It will not be helpful to you, the staff and most importantly your child, to stew and delay over something.

Be clear on what your concern is, and what you feel needs to be done to resolve it, then make arrangements to speak with the appropriate member of staff. Your daycare provider’s policy will outline the agreed procedure, so do familiarize yourself with that too. Always be courteous, polite and constructive in your communications, whether in person, over the phone or in correspondence.

Wayne and the staff at his own Bright and Early Daycare and Preschool in Pennsylvania, fully understand that any concern relating to our children can be emotive. We all want to set good examples for our children, and those in our care. For them to see you work together with other adults handle a difficult or conflict situation well, can be a very positive learning experience.

Wayne Preno has an open door policy at his own daycare and preschool services to ensure that parents feel they can always discuss any concerns or issues relating to their children.